
Monday, April 27, 2015

အဂၤလိပ္စာသင္သူမ်ားအတြက္ ေဆာင္ထားသင့္တဲ့Really Learn 100 Phrase

အဂၤလိပ္စာသင္သူမ်ားအတြက္ ေဆာင္ထားသင့္တဲ့Really Learn 100 Phrase

အခုတင္ေပးလိုက္တာကေတာ့ Application ေတာ့မဟုတ္ပါဘူး English စာကိုေလ့လာေနသူေတြေဆာင္ထားသင့္တဲ့ (e-book ) ျဖစ္ပါတယ္...အဂၤလိပ္စာသင္တဲ့ေနရာမွာ Phrasal Verbs လို႕ေခၚတဲ့ Verb+Adv/Verb+prep/verb+adv+prep စကါးလံုးေတြဟာ မူရင္းစကားလံုးနဲ႕..လိုက္ျပီး တစ္ခါတစ္ေလ ဘယ္လိုမွ မရႏိုင္ပါ..ျပီးေတာ့ ဒီလိုကါးလံုးေတြဟာ Idiomatic ဆန္တာေတြလည္း အမ်ားၾကီးရွိပါတယ္..ဒါေၾကာင့္ အဂၤလိပ္စာေလ့လာသူေတြအဖို႕..Phrasal verbs ဆိုတာ သင္ယူဖို႕တကယ္အေရးၾကီးပါတယ္...အခုတင္လိုက္တဲ့စာအုပ္ကေတာ့ သင့္ရဲ႕အဂၤလိပ္စာတိုးတက္ဖို႕အတြက္...တကယ္အေရးၾကီးတဲ့ (Really learn 100 Phrasal verbs ) Phrasal verbs အလံုးတစ္ရာကို ဥပမာ ေတြ ရွင္းျပခ်က္ေတြ ေလ့က်င့္ခန္းေတြနဲ႕ အစံုးေဖၚျပထားတာဆိုေတာ့ သင့္အတြက္..အခ်ိန္ေလးနည္းနည္းရရင္ တကယ္မရွိမျဖစ္ လုပ္သင့္တဲ့ Self-study စာအုပ္ေကါင္းတစ္အုပ္ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ........


Credit to

ရသစာ​ေပ​ေတြခ်ည္​းစုစည္​းထားတဲ့ အ​ေတြးစာစုမ်ား apk

ဤ APK ေလးသည္ စာေပ၀ါသနာပါသူမ်ားအတြက္ ရသစာေပေတြေရးသားေနေသာနာမည္ေက်ာ္ Page မ်ားကိုု စုုစည္းထားပါတယ္ ။အက်ိဳးေက်းဇူးကေတာ့ Facebook မွာ Page ေတြကိုု လိုုက္ရွာေနစရာမလိုုဘဲအင္တာနက္ဖြင့္ထားၿပီး အေတြးရသ စာစုုေလးေတြကိုု ဖတ္ႏိုုင္မွာပါမွတ္ခ်က္-စာဖတ္ရန္အတြက္ အင္တာနက္ဖြင့္ထားႏိုုင္ပါသည္ သိုု႕မွသာ ပံုုေတြပါျမင္ႏိုုင္မွာ ျဖစ္ၿပီး အင္တာနက္ခဏဖြင့္ၿပီး ျပန္ပိတ္လ ွ်င္ေတာ့ ပံုုေတြျမင္ႏိုုင္မွာမဟုုတ္ပါအားေပးေသာ မိတ္ေဆြမ်ား အားလံုု းေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္။
​ေရးသားသူအား credit ​ေပးပါသည္​ခင္​ဗ်ာ။


Widget အလန္​း​ေတြထည္​့ႏိုင္​မယ္​့ KK Super Widget for Android

ဖုန္းမွာ widget အြ​
းစား​ေလး​ေတြသံုးခ်င္​တဲ့သူ​ေတြအတြက္​ KK Super Widget ဆိုတဲ့ android widget တစ္​ခုကိုတင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​။ မူလ widget ​ေတြကိုႁငီး​ေငြ႔​ေနသူ​ေတြနဲ႔ widget အလန္​းစားနဲ႔မွ ႀကိဳက္​သူ​ေတြအတြက္​​ေတာ့႐ွယ္​ပါပဲ။ size မ်ိဳးစံုနဲ႔ ဖုန္​းကို widget အလွဆင္​ႏိုင္​ဖို႔ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​။

KK Super Widget is a super customizable, pretty nice widget.
It contain several widget style, such as 1×1, 2×1, 4×1, 4×2, 4×4 widget,
It contain many widget elements, such as time, weather, switch, calendar, battery, flash light, car mode, etc.
And you can custom all the appearance, such as widget background color, icon color, font size, switch, etc

Size : 1.8M
Current Version : 1.3
Requires Android : 3.0 and up
Offered By : KK App Team


Sunday, April 26, 2015

​ေပါ့​ေပါပါးပါးနဲ႔ သင္​့computer ကိုအကာအကြယ္​​ေပးႏိုင္​မယ္​့ 360 Total Security software

360 ဆိုရင္​​ေတာ့မသိသူမ႐ွိ​ေလာက္​ဖူးထင္​ပါတယ္​။ အခုတင္​​ေပးမွာက​ေတာ့ camera apk ​ေတာ႔မဟုတ္​ပါဘူး windows computer ​ေတြမွာအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္​မယ္​့ security software ​ေလးပဲျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​ခင္​ဗ်ာ။ File size က 33 MB ပဲ႐ွိလို႔ ​ေပါ့​ေပါ့ပါးပါးနဲ႔အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္​ၿပီး သင္​့ computer ကိုလဲ အ​ေထြ​ေထြလံုျခံဳမႈ႐ွိ​ေအာင္​ ကာကြယ္​​ေပးႏိုင္​မယ္​့ software တစ္​ခုျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​။

360 Total Security Freeware

Requirements:Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8

360 Total Security offers you complete protection against viruses and other new type of threats. When you shopping on line, downloading files, browsing webpage, 360 Total Security protect you from cybercrime at any moment. Furthermore, you can perform one-click cleanup feature to keep your PC in optimal condition.

360 Total Security Features:

Superior Threat Detection
Intergrating award winning antivirus engines including 360 Cloud Engine, 360 QVMII, Avira and BitDefender to provide you with the ultimate in virus detection and protection capabilities.

Shielding you from Online Shopping Fraud
Online shopping mode keeps you and your data safe from online threats such as 'phishing attacks' and identity theft, giving you peace of mind that you and your transactions are safe and secure.

Lightening up your PC
Cleanup utility is a powerful tool, which finds and enables you to remove junk files and unnecessary plug-ins that might be consuming large amounts of disk space and slowing your computer down. Cleanup can help your computer run more efficiently and boot faster.

Real Time Protection and Timely Updates
360 Cloud Security provides real-time protection with the latest virus definition updates and threat indexes provided seemlessly so that your PC is always up to date and secure.


Theme အလန္​းစားအသံုးျပဳလိုသူ​ေတြအတြက္​ Firefly 2 in 1 theme

Theme အလန္​း​ေလးအသံုးျပဳလိုသူ​ေတြအတြက္​ Firefly 2in 1 Theme ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးလီုက္​ပါတယ္​။ လန္​းမလန္​းက​ေတာ့ ​ေအာက္​ကပံုကိုၾကည္​့ၿပီး​ေတာ့သာဆံုးျဖတ္​​ေတာ္​မူၾကပါ။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​။
Firefly 2 In 1 Theme

Firefly 2 In 1 Theme-1Firefly 2 In 1 Theme-2

It’s a FREE OFFER, a GO Launcher & Locker theme!
Firefly GO Locker & Launcher Theme, specially designed by Team.
Want an extreme makeover for your phones? Try it now!
Key Features:
– The beautiful fireflies and butterflies decorate your phone
– Shortcut to SMS, call logs
Download it now and show off your new phone to your friends!
How to get it?
– Install GO Launcher EX & GO Locker

Size : 5.2M
Current Version : 1.1
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Offered By :


ဖုန္​းထဲမွာ video format မ်ိဳးစံုၾကည္​့႐ႈႏိုင္​မယ္​့ MX Player android apk

MX Player ဆိုတာက​ေတာ့ အ​ေတာ္​မ်ားမ်ားသိၿပီးျဖစ္​မယ္​့ application ​ေလးတစ္​ခုပါပဲ။ ဖုန္​းထဲမွာ video format မ်ိဳးစံုကို ၾကည္​့႐ႈႏိုင္​မယ္​့ player ​ေလးတစ္​ခုပါပဲ။ ​ေနာက္​ဆံုးထြက္​ version ​ေလးျဖစ္​တာ​ေၾကာင္​့ ႐ွိၿပီးသားမိတ္​​ေဆြ​ေတြ​ေရာ မ႐ွိ​ေသးတဲ့မိတ္​​ေဆြ​ေတြပါ download ရယူႏိုင္​ရန္​တင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​ခင္​ဗ်ာ။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​။

MX Player – The best way to play videos.

a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION – Hardware acceleration can be applied to more videos with the help of new H/W decoder.
b) MULTI-CORE DECODING – MX Player is the first Android video player which supports multi-core decoding. Test result proved that dual-core device’s performance is up to 70% better than single-core devices.
c) PINCH TO ZOOM – Zoom in and out with ease by pinching and swiping across screen.
d) SUBTITLE SCROLL – Subtitles can be scrolled to move back and forth faster.
e) KIDS LOCK – Keep your kids entertained without having to worry that they can make calls or touch other apps. (plugin required)

Subtitle formats:
– DVD, DVB, SSA/ASS Subtitle tracks.
– SubStation Alpha(.ssa/.ass) with full styling.
– SAMI(.smi) with ruby tag support.
– SubRip(.srt)
– MicroDVD(.sub/.txt)
– SubViewer2.0(.sub)
– MPL2(.mpl/.txt)
– PowerDivX(.psb/.txt)
– TMPlayer(.txt)
About “System Tools – display system-level alerts” permission: This is useful to block any accidental key entries while you are watching videos. This input block function will make sure that you can watch videos without interruption.

Size : 7.5M
Requires Android : 2.1 and up


ကမာၻ​ေပၚမွာ popular အျဖစ္​ဆံုး messenger ​application ​ေတြထဲမွာတစ္​ခုအပါအဝင္​ျဖစ္​တဲ့ WhatApp Messrnger

ကမာၻ​ေပၚမွာ popular အျဖစ္​ဆံုး messenger ​application ​ေတြထဲမွာတစ္​ခုအပါအဝင္​ျဖစ္​တဲ့ WhatApp Messrnger ဆိုတဲ့ android apk ​ေနာက္​ဆံုးထြက္​ version ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​။ သူ႔မွာထူးျခားတာက​ေတာ့ ပံု​ေတြ video ​ေတြတင္​မကပဲနဲ႔ Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages ဆိုတဲ့လုပ္​​ေဆာင္​ခ်က္​​ေတြလဲပါဝင္​ပါတယ္​။ စိတ္​ဝင္​စားတယ္​ဆိုရင္​​ေတာ့​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ။

WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messenger available for Android and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages. First year FREE! ($0.99 USD/year after)

– NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.

– MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.

– GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts.

– NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world as long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS costs.

– SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? WhatsApp works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.

– NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.

– NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Your Address Book is used to automatically connect you with your contacts. Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed.

– OFFLINE MESSAGES: Even if you miss your push notifications or turn off your phone, WhatsApp will save your messages offline until you retrieve them during the next application use.

– AND MUCH MORE: Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and MMS to many contacts at once and much much more!


Saturday, April 25, 2015

အသဲပံုနဲ႔ live wallpaper အလန္​း​ေလး

အသဲပံုဒီဇိုင္​း​ေလးနဲ႔ အျပတ္​လန္​းတဲ့ live wallpaper ​ေလးတစ္​ခုကိုတင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​။ လွမလွပံုကိုၾကည္​့ၿပီးဆံုးျဖတ္​ၾကည္​့ၾကပါဗ်ာ file size က 817k ပဲ႐ွိပါတယ္​။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ။

A beautiful live wallpaper of colors and drifting hearts, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Not a movie, fully supports home screen switching and landscape mode!
If you enjoy this, please help us keep making these by purchasing the Donation version! It has a settings screen with controls for heart appearance, hearts appearing where you touch, camera speed, background image, hearts with a loved one’s photo in them, and more!
TO USE: Home->Press Menu->Wallpapers->Live Wallpapers

Size : 817k
Current Version : 2.0
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Offered By : Kittehface Software


G-protector android antivirus apk ​ေလးပါဗ်ာ

Android ဖုန္​း​ေတြကို virus အႏၱရာယ္​က​ေန ကာကြယ္​​ေပးႏိုင္​မယ္​့ G-protector ဆိုတဲ့ antivirus apk ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ။ တျခား antivirus apk​ေတြလိုပဲ virus ရန္​ကာကြယ္​တာအျပင္​ ကိုယ္​့ဖုန္​းမွာ သူမ်ားမသံုး​ေစခ်င္​တာ​ေတြကို lock ခ်တာ အ​ေရးႀကီး​ေဒတာ​ေတြကို cloud storage မွာ backup လုပ္​တာ running process ႐ွင္​းတာ​ေတြကိုလဲလုပ္​​ေဆာင္​ႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​။ application ​ေတြကို install လုပ္​တိုင္​း virus ကင္​း႐ွင္​းမႈ႐ွိမ႐ွိ စစ္​​ေဆး​ေပးသြားမယ္​့ ဒီ apk ​ေလးရဲ႕ file size က​ေတာ့2.5M ႐ွိၿပီး android 1.5 နဲ႔အထက္​မွာ အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္​မွာျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​။​ေအာက္​မွာ download လုပ္​ယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​။

G-Protector Anti Virus Utility (The original name is called APK Anti-Virus Bodyguard) is an innovation Android device security and protection application. It is integrated with some featured functions and system utilities to make your device safety and reliable , including the anti-virus, APP Lock, Secret Cloud storage, Diagnosis Master and performance optimization.
With G-Protector , you can
. Scan APK before you install it
. Detect any damage software in real-time
. User report system to report any unknown threat and view the statistical report
. Diagnostic analysis applications to find out the application sensitive opearation
. APP Lock allows you to lock your private applications
. Secret Cloud to store your confidential encrypted data and files
. Performance Optimization can be one-click cleanup system cache and memory
. Diagnosis Master make you check the Battery Usage, Process Memory, APP, APK analysis

Virus Test
. You can download the G-Protector Virus test file from our website at the following link,

Featured Function
. Security Installer
When you click the APK files from the other file explorer, you can use the “Security Installer” to scan the APK before install it.
. Real-Time Protection Engine
To scan and analysis the suspicious application, a source code analysis engine to protect the unknown threat even you don’t upgrade the protection database. You can also setup the protection level based on your favor, like you can focus on the personal information protection.
. User Report System
The user report system lets the users to report the application status, like suspicious, slow performance, abnormal battery consumption, you can also read the statistics to understand the unknown application if it has any threat or not.
. APP Diagnostic
APP Diagnostic also called by APP Privacy Admin, it can help you find out the application privacy access and operation analysis.
. APP Lock
A full Android APP Lock design with “Safe Zone”, “Anti-Uninstall”, “Password Recovery” features, you can lock any application with the simple PIN code.
. Secret Cloud
The Secret Cloud is a security information storage on the Internet, all data is encrypted by your personal key with AES-256 technique, we don’t save your private key, it only had decrypted in your Android device. The Secret Cloud is designed for the password, band or sensitive information. You can select the category and use the mirror column to store your secret data.
* All connections are protected by SSL and even If someone has your encrypted data, it is impossible to crack it without a Super Computer and million cost, because the encrypted data is not reversible if you set the proper password to protect it.
. Performance Optimize
A one-click performance optimize feature can let users to improve the device performance without any pain. It will free the unnecessary memory and clean the storage cache to free more space.
. Task Explorer
Make you to view the running process and kill it,
. Power Explorer
Make you to view the application power consumption report from G-Protector online database.
. Easy and Simple GUI
. Support from Android 1.5 ~ Android 4.3
. 100% NO 3rd-party AD

Free Edition
The software is a free edition; some features are only available in Professional edition. If you like the software, you can buy the Professional edition life-time license via Google Play in-app billing to support our development.

GUI SOURCE, icons8, yankoa.deviantart

Size : 2.5M
Current Version : 1.0.6
Requires Android : 1.5 and up
Offered By : Gpc


ဓာတ္​ပံု​ေတြကို အျမန္​ဆန္​အလြယ္​ကူးဆံုးျပင္​ႏိုင္​မယ္​့ Easy focus android apk

ဒီတစ္​ခါ​ေတာ့ ဓာတ္​ပံု​ေတြကိုဖုန္​း​ေပၚမွာအလြယ္​ကူဆံုး focus ခ်ိန္​ႏိုင္​တဲ့ android application ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးခ်င္​ပါတယ္​။ ဓာတ္​ပံုတစ္​ပံု႐ိုက္​ႁပီးတာနဲ႔ စိတ္​တိုင္​းမက်ရင္​ ခ်က္​ခ်င္​းလြယ္​လြယ္​ကူကူျပင္​ႏိုင္​တဲ့ apk ​ေလးပါ။ File size က 266 kb ပဲ႐ွိလို႔ download ဆြဲၿပီးသံုးဖို႔တန္​တဲ့ apk တစ္​ခုပါပဲ။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​ခင္​ဗ်ာ။

Produce SLR camera like focus and defocus effect with your photos.
Just open your pictures in easyFocus, play with the tools, create stunning focusing effects and save the creation. Its easy and simple.
1. Tools: Standard photo editing tool features, like- image zoom in, zoom out, tap and dragging, pinch and zoom, image rotation, undo, reset, save are there.
2. Circular Focus: Place a circular lens like focus effect in your photo. Drag it and place it, where you need it. Control the area size of the focus by focus size control buttons or BY SIMPLY PINCH GESTURE.
3. Rectangular Focus: Place a Rectangular focus area effect in your photo. Drag it and place it, where you need it. Control the area size of the focus by focus size control buttons or BY PINCH GESTURE.
4. Selective Focus: Customize your focus area, select the area to focus. Try the Selective Focus tool. Tap and drag your finger over screen and select your desired focus area. Control the brush size by brush size control buttons.
Make your selection perfect with the eraser tool. Erase the unwanted selection area.
5. Focus Flip: Altering the focus area to unfocused area (and vice-verse) is just a matter of tap. Flip tool makes the focus reversing in blink of an eye.
6. Photo Enhancement: Use the Photo Enhancer tool to make dull images look vibrant. Use it and see the difference.
7. Miniature Photography: By combining the Rectangular Focus and Photo Enhancer, one can create miniature photography like effects.
So, go happy focusing… easyFocus-ing.

Size : 266k
Current Version : 1.2.0
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Offered By : ColorBracket


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Opera mini android browser Latest version ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးလိုက္​ပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ

ကဲဒီတစ္​ခါ​ေတာ့ Telenor သံုးတဲ့လူ​ေတြအတြက္​ အထူးအဆင္​​ေျပၿပီး​ေတာ့ က်န္​ operator မ်ားရဲ႕ ဝန္​​ေဆာင္​မႈ​ေတြကိုသံုးတဲ့လူ​ေတြအတြက္​လည္​း connection မ​ေကာင္​းခ်ိန္​မွာ​ေတာင္​ အျမန္​ဆန္​ဆံုး အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္​မယ္​့ browser တစ္​ခုျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​။ Telenor အသံုးျပဳသူ​ေတြအတြက္​က​ေတာ့ ျမန္​မာစာ ၁၀၀% မွန္​ကန္​​ေအာင္​ ​ေတြ႔ျမင္​ရမွာျဖစ္​ၿပီး data usage ကိုလဲ အမ်ားႀကီးသက္​သာ​ေစပါတယ္​။ Mobile browser ​ေတြထဲမွာ တကယ္​​ေကာင္​းမြန္​တဲ့ browser တစ္​ခုျဖစ္​လို႔​ေအာက္​မွာ download လုပ္​ယူသြားလိုက္​ပါဦးဗ်ာ။

Opera mini
Try the world’s fastest Android browser!
– FAST: Opera’s speed and efficient controls put it ahead of all other browsers.
– EASY: Surf the web on your mobile as easily as on a desktop computer.
– SAVE MONEY: Reduce data costs by up to 90% with our unique compression technology.
And it’s completely free to install and use.
Other great features:
– Speed Dial shows you all of your favorite websites at a glance. Pull them up with one tap!
– Smart Page is your own personal window on the web. It gives you instant updates from your social networks, along with the latest news, entertainment, and sports.
– Tabs let you keep multiple pages open and switch between them.
– Reading online is better with page sizes, address bars and toolbars that adjust automatically.
Download Opera Mini for yourself today!
Also check out Opera Mobile, the premium experience when on Wi-Fi or wireless broadband.

Note : Opera mini browser is not capable to download .apk apps. It will read .apk apps as .zip files. So rename the file extension (.zip to .apk) after downloading or use chrome, Opera Web Browser, Firefox etc….



သင္​့မ်က္​လံုးထိခိုက္​မႈကိုကာကြယ္​​ေပးႏိုင္​မယ္​့ Brightness Adjuster apk

မိတ္​​ေဆြရဲ႕မ်က္​လံုးထိခိုက္​မႈကို ကာကြယ္​လိုပါသလား။ ဒါဆိုရင္​​ေတာ့ Brightness Adjuster ဆိုတဲ့ application ​ေလးကို​ေဆာင္​ထားလိုက္​ပါ။ သူက sreen အရမ္​းလင္​းလြန္​း​ေနရင္​ ​အလင္​း​ေရာင္​ကို​ေလ်ွာ့ႏိုင္​တယ္​။ ညဘက္​​ေတြမွာ အိပ္​​ေရးပ်က္​ခံၿပီးဖုန္​းသံုးတဲ့လူ​ေတြ​ေဆာင္​ထားသင္​့ပါတယ္​။ အိပ္​​ေရးပ်က္​လို႔မ်က္​စိစပ္​တာကတစ္​မ်ိဳး ဖုန္​းအလင္​း​ေရာင္​ကမ်က္​စိကိုစူးတာကတစ္​မ်ိဳး မျဖစ္​​ေတာ့ပါဘူး။ သင္​့​ေတာ္​တဲ့အလင္​း​ေရာင္​​ေလးနဲ႔ မ်က္​စိ​ေအး​ေအး​ေလးဖုန္​းသံုးႏိုင္​ပါၿပီ။

File size က 155kbပဲ႐ွိၿပီး Android 2.1 နဲ႔ အထက္​မွာအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download ရယူႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ။
Was to adjust the brightness of the main display, it is a simple app.
We are equipped with a filter function, you can dim the screen beyond the brightness of the display.
. Image filter function.
The effect of filter software, you can dim the screen beyond the minimum luminance of the display. Please use it if you feel bright and a display by the scene, for example, if you want to prevent prying eyes from the surroundings. With just a touch of a seek bar, which is also features that you can adjust the intensity of image effects filters and seamlessly adjust the brightness of the standard.
Due to limitations in the state of security in terms of Android OS, image filter is applied should be noted that you can not install app “unknown sources” that you downloaded from non-Google Play Store. After turning off the feature image filter once, please try the installation.
. Registration icon to the notification area.
You can register the app launch icon in the notification area. If you want to register, please select the [Menu] – [Notifications].
While applying image filters, is also intended to prevent the cancellation filter with Android OS, we recommend that you set should be noted that this function is turned on.
. Automatic brightness adjustment.
A device that supports a standard “switch enable/disable” In automatic adjustment brightness of illumination sensor, can be performed on this application to check the brightness after the change and setting on/off of automatic adjustment.
(With respect to the model that can not be disabled, switched on/off but this can not be done from the app, such as Xperia(TM) acro HD, supports automatic adjustment)
. Off function key illumination.
In the device part of the Android 2.2 or later, the on/off key lighting is possible. If you feel dazzling lighting key, please try appear in the [Menu] – [Key backlights].
Device that has this capability is limited in some models, depending on the situation the device support may change does not appear.
(It has been confirmed that there is an effect on Xperia(TM) arc, Xperia(TM) acro)
. Changing the display color temperature.
If you feel that the color temperature of the display is low (that yellowish), [Menu] – [Color temperature]. By applying a transmission filter blue, growing effect as if the color temperature of the display can be obtained.
. Adjust using the motion sensor.
Darken the display, you can adjust the bright and tilt tilt to the left and to the right device. Brightness adjustment is possible without hides by hand by this display.
. View wallpaper background.
By the transmissive display the adjustment screen background wallpaper, are easy to grab the image after brightness adjustment. Do you want to change the text color by clicking on a string “Options” but you may see the characters difficult to read, if you are using, please use the change to a gray-scale image by touching the background wallpaper base white .
(Switching to a grayscale image, please use after activate the function at [Menu] – [Background change] in advance)
. Value display brightness.
So that the display brightness adjustment as a result, a number of API level that you want to set the system. It is easy to set the brightness of the next favorite for this purpose. It also automatically get the lower limit value different for each model.
By touching the numeric portion that is displayed, it is also possible to directly enter the numerical keypad again.
The picture which Ozturk made is used for the icon of this application.
Copyright (C) 2012 K.Shimokura All Rights Reserved.

Size : 155k
Current Version : 2.10
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Offered By : K.Shimokura

Direct Download link

You don't need to visit other website by clicking above link.It will directly download faster.Enjoy with download.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lancher သံုးစရာမလိုပဲ ဖုန္​း screen ကိုလန္​း​ေစမယ္​့ Amber Wealther Widget apk

ဒီတစ္​ခါ​ေတာ့ android ဖုန္​းကိုလန္​ခ်ာသံုးစရာမလိုပဲ အလန္​း​ေလးျဖစ္​​ေအာင္​လုပ္​လို႔ရမယ္​့ Amber Wealther ဆိုတဲ့ application ​ေလးကိုတင္​​ေပးခ်င္​ပါတယ္​။ ရာသီဥတုကို အတိအက်​ေဖာ္​ျပ​ေပးနိင္​မယ္​့ service ​ေတြပါဝင္​ပါတယ္​။ သင္​့ရဲ႕ home screen ​ေပၚမွာ လွလွပပ wealther ဒီဇိုင္​း​ေလးကိုတင္​ထားႏိုင္​ၿပီး​ေတာ့ ရာသီဥတု​ေျပာင္​းရင္​လဲ Smart alert နဲ႔ သတိ​ေပးႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​။ အပူခ်ိန္​နဲ႔ UV ပမာဏ​ေတြကိုလဲ ျပသ​ေပးႏိုင္​ၿပီး ​ေလတိုက္​ႏႈန္​းနဲ႔ direction ​ေတြကိုပါျပသ​ေပးႏိုင္​ပါတယ္​။ ကိုယ္​​ေရာက႐ွိတဲ့တည္​​ေနရာအလိုက္​ ကိုက္​ညီ​တဲ့ အခ်က္​အလက္​​ေတြ ​ေတြ႕ျမင္​ရမွာျဖစ္​သလို world clock,calender ​ေတြအျပင္​ အျခား application ​ေတြကိုလဲ widget ​ေပၚက​ေနတစ္​ဆင္​့ အလြယ္​တကူဖြင္​့ႏိုင္​တဲ့လုပ္​​ေဆာင္​ခ်က္​​ေတြပါဝင္​ပါတယ္​။အျခားအသံုးတည္​့လုပ္​​ေဆာင္​ခ်က္​​ေတြလဲပါ႐ွိၿပီး​ေတာ့ ခရီးသြားလာသူ​ေတြအတြက္​လဲ အသံုးတည္​့ႏိုင္​မယ္​့ support ပါ႐ွိပါတယ္​။ Lancher သီးသန္​႔သံုးစရာမလိုပဲ ဖုန္​းဒီဇိုင္​း​ေလးကိုလဲ လန္​း​ေစတာ​ေၾကာင္​့ သံုးစြဲသူ​ေတြကိုအႀကိဳက္​​ေတြ႔​ေစမွာပါ။ ​ေအာက္​မွာ download လုပ္​ယူႏိုင္​ၾကပါတယ္​ဗ်ာ။

Decorate your home screen without a launcher app.
Amber Weather offers various weather widget styles within a minimal designed weather app. Use your favorite widget on your home screen and enjoy it everyday! (Original name: EZ Weather)

What Makes Us Different?
Amber Weather brings you high quality designs of weather widgets from different designers and artists. We are trying to beautify your home screen by providing various weather widget themes in our “Customize Store”. Every week, we will release at least one new widget to the store.
– Transparent weather widget
– Daily and hourly weather report ( 7 days and 24 hours), current detail conditions
– Intuitive information of temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, visibility, pressure, dew point, UV etc.
– Auto-location,updated with your position
– Multi weather data source service.
– Smart Alert when weather changed, support push notification to your android wear device.
– Support new feature on Android L and Android wear.
– Support show current and future weather in expandable notification bar.
– Support clock & weather, forecast and current weather info widget for tablet and phone.
– Support Lock Screen Widget and DashClock extension.
– Quick-Action:You could open clock, calendar, weather, widget settings, or any other app by click different area in widget
– Support tens of thousands cities’s climate around the world, also support world clock take it when you are traveling!
– Support new feature on KitKat 4.4 – Full-screen immersive mode
Coming Soon
– Customize Elements
– Doppler and Radar map.

Amber Weather is AD-FREE at present, get your personal meteorologist now!
Any suggestion and problem, please contact

Offered By : Weather Team of EZMob
Offers in-app purchases


Swiftkey Keyboard Free

Swiftkey Keyboard Free

Try SwiftKey free for one month
SwiftKey replaces the touchscreen keyboard on your phone with one that understands how words work together, giving the world’s most accurate autocorrect – and predicting your next word before you press a key.
The keyboard learns as you use it to make corrections and predictions based on the way that you write. It can learn from your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or blog to make its insights even more personalized. You can also enable up to three languages simultaneously, for true multi-lingual typing.
Switch seamlessly between tapping and gesture typing with our new SwiftKey Flow feature. It combines the mind-reading capabilities of SwiftKey with the speed of gliding your fingers across the screen. With ‘Flow Through Space’, you can also enter entire phrases without lifting your finger from the screen, simply by sliding to the space bar between words.
For video tips and support, visit
Language support (enable up to three at once):
English (US)
English (UK)
English (AU)
French (CA)
French (FR)
Persian (Farsi)
Portuguese (BR)
Portuguese (PT)
Spanish (ES)
Spanish (US)
Spanish (LA)
We take your privacy very seriously. This keyboard does not learn from password fields and all language data learned on your device is stored on your phone’s internal memory or SD card and never transferred.
Internet connection permission is required to install this app, so that language module files and cloud personalization data can be downloaded.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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